I've been doing a lot of crafts recently. Nothing too big, but a few things turned out nice. So I opened a shop on Etsy.com and put a few things up for sale. Why not? It made a nice diversion from a teething baby and a kid going through the Terrible Twos.
Then the unthinkable happened, and I sold a few things. Oh, no! I worried. Now that I was a professional artist with almost two dozen whole dollars to my name, what would happen to my writing? Would my new career as a small businesswoman distract me from my dream of writing fiction?
Luckily, NaNoWriMo is almost here to get me back on track.
I've been participating in National Novel Writing Month since 2011. For anyone who isn't familiar, NaNoWriMo challenges writers to spit out 50,000 words during the month of November. That's 1,667 words a day. Every day. For 30 days. To put that in perspective, the average double-spaced typed page is abut 250 words.
So yeah. It's sort of crazy. Crazy awesome.
Anyway, because I'm a little bit crazy myself, I've decided to blog about my journey writing The Eleventh Door, from the planning stage in October, through the mad sprinting and word vomiting in November, and then to a more leisurely finish in December (and beyond?). I've even linked the Google Doc where I will do the actual story-writing (look in the tab "The Story So Far"), where readers can see the manuscript in real time.
So who else is diving in the deep end this year and doing NaNo?
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